About McCroissant

Why do I do what I do when it doesn't have a payout or educational outcome? I have been asked this many times before, and my answer is simple. This is not only a hobby, but a passion. My main goal in life is to be happy with what I do and be able to look back and think to myself "These are good times". My main motive in life is to have fun with what I do and not follow the same algorithm as others. You have the type of people that work 24/7 and always put their future ahead of them so they can "be settled in the end". When it comes to it, you won't be able to do what you can now in the future. I believe living in the now is key to living your best life. 

I love hanging out with friends, and when I do we are always doing stupid things that we find top tier humor. My goal is to get these times on camera, not only to put on youtube, but to look back on in the future and remember how much fun I have. These videos are pure examples of the inside look of what goes on in my life. I like to be real with what I show through videos to get a understanding of how my life really is. I hope to reach people that don't show their true selves because they "aren't sure if other people would like them". I want everyone to know that it's okay to be yourself and show who you are. If someone doesn't think you're cool, so what!? That is their opinion and it shouldn't affect how you live, because you live for you.